この記念すべき年の目玉、ドクター・フー50周年スペシャルに、10代目ドクターのデイヴィッド・テナント(David Tennant)がカムバック!
BLOGTORWHO:Tennant & Piper are back for the 50th
As filming on the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special begins, some details have emerged regarding the episode. The new issue of Doctor Who Magazine, out next week, have confirmed that David Tennant (The Tenth Doctor) and Billie Piper (Rose Tyler) have signed up to appear in the special. Also starring is screen legend, John Hurt (Alien).
UPDATE: The special will be sixty minutes long (though could end up being slightly longer) and receive a limited worldwide 3D cinema release.
9代目ドクターのコンパニオン、ローズ・タイラー(Billy Piper)も一緒にカムバック。
スペシャルは現時点では60分の予定(でも長くなるかも?) 限定館ながら3Dでの映画館公開もある予定だそうです。
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