「サンシャイン2057」で無口な物理学者を熱演したときのインタビュー記事です。(AERA ENGLISH 2007年4月号掲載)
Q: It was the second time that you worked with the director, Danny Boyle. How did you like it?
C: ‘28 Days Later’ was the first film that I worked with Danny Boyle. It was a very important film for me because I learned a lot from Danny and it was a kind of my breakthrough film. A lot of other directors gave me parts based on seeing me in that film. 6 years passed and I became more matured as an actor and hopefully improved as an actor. Now I came back and worked on his film with a bigger budget. It was very appealing to me.
Q: You have played many diificult and complicated parts previously, but how do you choose a part to play in general?
C: I just take a-script-by-script basis. I suppose I do insist upon the diversity as vast as possible, and I make sure that the script is worth while. It doesn’t matter whether it is in the big Hollywood system or in the independent system. The story is the most important thing.
Q: What made you decide to play Capa?
C: He is a very quiet character especially in the very beginning of the film. I had never really done that before so it was a challenge to communicate non-verbally and to get gradually pushed to the centre of the film. He is also presumably the most brilliant physicist in our generation. I didn’t know anything about physics then, so it was a challenge to try and get into the mind set of a physicist who is dealing with big and profound questions, the math and physics running around in his head all the time, and to figure out how that affects his interaction with other people.
Q: Did you do any research?
C: I did a month preparation together with the cast. We had lectures from lots of different scientific experts, and we went to experience the zero gravity in a little lighter aircraft, we went to scuba diving, and we went to a flight simulator. I went to SUN in Geneva and a building to create a condition of Big-Bang. I also had dinner with Dr. Brian Cox, who was a science advicer of the film, and his colleagues.
Q: How was Mr. Sanada?
C: Hiro was a very good cook, a very good singer and also a very good actor. In one scene where we were changing the shield with physically demanding suits and helmets, he never once complained. That’s very unusual.
Q: Did you complain?
C: Twice. (laugh)
Q: Did you two become good friends?
C: Yes. Whenever Hero is in London, we meet and go for dinner.
Q: If you could swap the role with other actors, who would you like ?
C: Because Capa is the scientist, the only other scientist is Michelle Yo. And because she gets chances to spend time in the oxygen garden which is quite beautiful compared with the rest of the spaceship, I choose Michelle’s role.
Q: What made you change your career from law to acting?
C: I never really should’ve done law. I didn’t like it from when I started. I still don’t know why I started. There is no lawyer in my family. I enjoyed English and I thought law might be interesting. But when I started it, I realized it was not. It was not creative. I needed that creative outlet. so I thought that acting might be interesting. So it was kind of, I fell into by accident, really.
Q: Have you got any idea what kind of role you would like to play next?
C: I have just done two comedy things. It was filmed in New York with Lucy Lou, called Watching the Detectives. I also did a play which finished in London about 3 weeks ago but I don’t know. Maybe a musician. Or a cowboy? Maybe a musical cowboy.
Q: Is there any Japanese director that you are interested in working with?
C: I do watch Japanese films but I am not educated enough to name a Japanese director that I would like to work with. I need someone to educate me. Maybe Hero will.
(13字× 93行)
Q: ダニー・ボイル監督の作品には2度目の出演ですね。
C: 最初の作品「28日後・・・」ではダニーから沢山のことを学んだ。僕にとっては出世作で、他の監督たちはあの作品を見て僕に役をくれるようになった。あれから6年、僕は役者として成熟したと思っているし、そうありたいと望む今、彼の映画に再び出演できたのは素晴らしいよ。
Q: 今まで沢山の複雑で難しい役柄を演じていますが、何を基準に役を選ぶのでしょう?
C: 脚本一つ一つ目を通して、が基本だね。なるべく色々な役柄を演じようと思っているあし、役を演じるだけの価値がある内容かどうかも確認している。ハリウッド映画だろうと自主制作だろうと、脚本の良し悪しが一番重要だね。
Q: 今回キャパを演じることに決めた理由は?
C: キャ パはとてももの静かなキャラクター。とくに最初の方はね。僕は静かな人物を演ったことがなかったから、言葉を使わずコミュニケーションをとるうちに次第に 物語の中心に引っ張られてい、という設定はやりがいがあった。また彼は僕たちの世代で一番素晴らしい物理学者でもある。無数の数式と奥深い疑問で一杯の彼 の心に入り込むことにもとてもやりがいを感じたんだ。
Q: リサーチはしましたか?
C: 他の出演者たちとともに1ヵ月間、いろいろ体験したよ。科学者たちの講義を聞いたり、飛行機の中で重力ゼロを体験したり。ビッグバンを作り出すビルへも行ったよ。
Q: 俳優になる前は弁護士を目指していたとか?
Q: 今度はどのような役柄を演じてみたいですか?
C:この次、何をやりたいかはわからないな。ミュージシャン? カウボーイ? ギター弾きのカウボーイとか?
Q: 興味を持っている日本人の映画監督はいますか?
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